Photo credits (c)
Irene Albar
Tino Gil
Mario Albar
Borja T. Suárez López
Laurent Meyer
Fausto Ferraiuolo
B arry H arris I nstitute Rome _
Fausto Ferraiuolo
Fausto Ferraiuolo, born in Naples in 1965,started studying classic piano when he was eight year old and afterwards he applied to jazz, studying at the S.M.I.T.S.(Scuola Musicale di Improvvisazione e Tecnica Strumentale)in Naples, Franco D’Andrea attending the stages of Siena Jazz and at the C.P.M.(Centro Professione Musica)in Milan, with Mike Melillo at the Jazz University of Terni and John Taylor at S.Louis school Roma.
Later he won two scholarships and so he could attend the classes held by Enrico Pieranunzi at the C.P.M. in Siena Jazz.
In 1989 the “Fausto Ferraiuolo Trio “ (piano, bass and drums) starting an intense concert activity, that led him to perform all over Italy, collaborating with artists as: Tony Scott, Paolo Fresu, Maurizio Giammarco, Massimo Urbani, Bobby Durhan, Pietro Condorelli, Attilio Zanchi, Daniele Sepe, Piero Leveratto, Alfred Kramer, Furio DiCastri, Pietro Iodice, Aldo Zunino.
He also performer at “Capolinea Jazz club” in Milan, at the “Music Inn”in Rome, at the “Time in Jazz” festival in Berchidda (Sassari), at the “MaraJazz” in Maratea, at the jazz club “Lennie Tristano IN Aversa (Naples), at the Siena jazz in quartet with Paolo Fresu, at the “Jazz in Tropea” (Catanzaro).
He is the author of the soundtrack of the short movie “L’avventura di una bagnante” direct by Francesca Sica and produced by the third channel of the italian national television (RAI 3). He has made live music comments for mute movies at festival of Salerno.
From 1998 he’s composer and musician for several theatre works as “Guerra”,”Esodo”,”Il silenzio”,”Gente di plastica” “Urlo”with the “Compagnia Pippo Delbono” (UBU award) performed on tournee around the world (Israele, Palestina, Russia, Argentina, Francia, Polonia, Germania, Spagna, Brasile, Equador). He has made a tune for a first move of Pippo Delbono “Guerra” winner of David di Donatello. (The most important award for the movies).
He as been Teaching piano and ensemble music from 1991 to 1995 at the A.N.D.J. (Associazione Napoletana Diffusione Jazz).
He as been selected from international jury(Steve Lacy, Chuck Israel, Gordon Beck, and other) to the ”2 Concours Internationaux de piano jazz Martial Solal” in Paris.
Together with Paolo Fresu he as recorded two tracks of a CD produced by the “Associazione Jazzistica Senese”, with Daniele Sepe the CD “Spiritus Mundi” ed.-Polo sud and with Pietro Vitale the CD “La mia Musica”ed. Musical team.
In 1997 he recorded with his trio his first CD of original self composed music:
Fausto Ferraiuolo trio “The Secret of The Moon” and in the 1999
Fausto Ferraiuolo “Guajon”. Both CD produced and released on the international market (Italy, Europe, Japan) by the D.D.Q. (Dischi della Quercia) label by IREC S.p.A.-Milan.
He has product the last work in trio of self composed music: “Blue and green” published for Abeat records in the spring 2005.